Salary Of Colonel (Senior Field Officer) In Pak Army

The Salary Of Colonel (Senior Field Officer) In Pak Army 2024 with a pay scale of officer rank is estimated at PKR 200,000 – 300,000/-. However, salary increases every year due to increments. So, simply you can say, that the salary of every person in any field of the Army Varies due to several factors including Duration of services, allowances, and other benefits. Also, you may know the Pakistan Army Ranks And Salary In 2024 (Abbreviations & Stars) by clicking here.

Salary Of Colonel (Senior Field Officer) In Pak Army

The Salary and Allowances of a Senior Field Officer In the Pak Army vary depending on factors like Length of Services, Qualification, Specialization, Posting Branch, Additional Allowances, and Benefits.

Basic SalaryPKR 200,000 – 300,000/-
Housing AllowanceAll these allowances vary for every colonel due to some factors like:

  • Years Of Services
  • Qualification and Specialization
  • Specific Military Branch
  • Additional Allowances and Benefits
Utility Allowances
Conveyance Allowance
Ration Allowance
Medical Allowance
Education Allowance
Leave Travel Allowance


Please Note: The above salary detail is not actual above figure is a research-based value. The exact salary and allowances vary depending on the factors that are mentioned in the table.

Final Thoughts

All the necessary information provided in this article is enough to fulfill your requirements. The Salary Of a Colonel (Senior Field Officer) In the Pak Army is in the range of PKR 2 lac to 3 Lac. All the data is research-based based. If you have any queries don’t hesitate to comment in the comment section.