Salary of General In Pak Army

I hope you know about the Salary of a General In Pak Army then the answer is very simple. The estimated basic salary of the Pak General in the Pakistan Army is a minimum of PKR 600,000/- to PKR 700.000/-. Salaries are changed due to other factors like Allowances and benefits. For the general the basic Pay Scale is BPS-22.

Allowances and Salary of General In Pak Army

The Salary and Allowances vary depending on factors like Length of Services, Qualification, Specialization, Posting Branch, Additional Allowances and Benefits.

Basic SalaryPKR 600,000 – 700,000/-
Housing AllowanceAll these allowances vary for every general due to some factors like:

  • Duration of Service
  • Qualification and Specialization
  • Military Branch & Position
  • Additional Allowances and Benefits
Utility Allowances
Conveyance Allowance
Ration Allowance
Medical Allowance
Education Allowance
Leave Travel Allowance


Note: The above salary detail is not accurate above figure of the amount is an estimated value the exact salary and allowances vary depending on the factors that are mentioned in the table.


I hope the information that is given in this article is enough for the knowledge. However, if you have any questions about this article. Then don’t hesitate to comment if you have any suggestions or queries.