Brigadier Salary In Pak Army

If you are here to learn about Brigadier Salary In Pak Army then you are in the right place. Here you can get knowledge not only Salary of a Brigadier but also you can learn Salary of a Major click Here. However, the estimated salary of the Brigadier is PKR 121,000/- per month minimum. The salary of all army staff varies on depending some specific factors such as years of service, education & specialization, Branch of Military, Additional benefits & Allowances.

Brigadier Salary In Pak Army

The Brigadier’s Salary and Allowances vary depending on factors like Length of Services, Qualification, Specialization, Posting Branch, Additional Allowances, and Benefits. Also, compare it with a lower-rank Sipahi / Sepoy Salary.

Basic SalaryPKR 121,000 – 150,000/-
Housing AllowanceAll these allowances vary for every general due to some factors like:

  • Years Of Services
  • Qualification and Specialization
  • Specific Military Branch
  • Additional Allowances and Benefits
Utility Allowances
Conveyance Allowance
Ration Allowance
Medical Allowance
Education Allowance
Leave Travel Allowance


Note: The above salary detail is not actual above figure is an estimated value the exact salary and allowances vary depending on the factors that are mentioned in the table.


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