Salary of Lieutenant Colonel In Pak Army

The salary of Lieutenant Colonel In the Pak Army is around in the range of PKR 90,000 to PKR 110,000/-. However, the total amount of the salary varies due to Allowances including Housing Allowances, Utility, Conveyances, medical allowances, special training Allowances, and so on…

Salary of Lieutenant Colonel In Pak Army

The Salary and Allowances vary depending on factors like Length of Services, Qualification, Specialization, Posting Branch, Additional Allowances, and Benefits.

Basic SalaryPKR 90,000 – 110,000/-
Housing AllowanceAll these allowances vary for every Lieutenant Colonel due to some factors given below.

  • Years Of Services
  • Qualification and Specialization
  • Specific Military Branch
  • Additional Allowances and Benefits
Utility Allowances
Conveyance Allowance
Ration Allowance
Medical Allowance
Education Allowance
Leave Travel Allowance


Note: The above salary detail is not actual above figure is an estimated value the exact salary and allowances vary depending on factors like specific military branches, qualifications, and those mentioned in the table.


The estimated salary of a Lieutenant Colonel is in the range of PKR 90,000 – 110,000/-. I hope I have included All the necessary information about the Salary of a Lieutenant Colonel In the Pak Army. If you have any queries don’t hesitate to comment in the comment section with your email.